I went to dinner last night with a friend and when my son and I arrived, there was a momma moose and two calves in the front yard! As we went inside and waited for dinner, we watched out the front window as the moose munched on a bush. The two calves walked to the middle of the yard and laid down, at which point my son noticed that they were still chewing, and chewing, and chewing, and chewing… My friend explained to my son that moose were like cattle, and had 4 chambers in their stomachs. It takes time to fully digest the food they eat, and there is a word for what they do: ruminate.
As weird as this sounds, when we study our Bibles, we are chewing on God’s words. In the same way that each of the chambers in a moose’s stomach is devoted to a different part of digestion, we are practicing different parts of digesting God’s word in the four steps of study.
Take some time today to “ruminate” on God’s word as you digest what Paul has to say to the church in Colossae.
As weird as this sounds, when we study our Bibles, we are chewing on God’s words. In the same way that each of the chambers in a moose’s stomach is devoted to a different part of digestion, we are practicing different parts of digesting God’s word in the four steps of study.
Take some time today to “ruminate” on God’s word as you digest what Paul has to say to the church in Colossae.